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Maison Renoux - Raspberry Dressing

Sale price $8.50 Regular price $16.50

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Made by Michel Renoux from the House Of Stanley Apple Cider Vinegar, this Maison Renoux's Vinaigrette is a true local celebration, using his own apple cider vinegar, Wangandary Olives Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Milawa Mustard's seeded mustard.

Michel Renoux grew up in the heart of Brittany’s cider country where making cider is not just a pastime but a way of life. On his farm in Stanley, North East Victoria, Michel grows his own varieties of apples and hand crafts his vinegars in his cellar which houses rows of 1000 litre tanks of cider being transformed into vinegar by the ‘mother’, a jelly like mass that floats on top of the cider.

This Raspberry dressing is a fruity variation on the traditional French style, and is creamy and tangy to pour over your summer salads.   

Ingredients // Maison Renoux Raspberry Vinegar, Mustard, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper

Size // 350ml